Sunday, January 07, 2007

New Addiction

Thanks to my friend Shawna I have a new addiction, Flickr. It's a photo website that allows you to post good quality, ie. resolution, photos, with comments, tags and headlines, and allows folks to comment on your pictures. You can also join and post your pictures to groups. So far I have three albums, one for Oak Cliff, one for People, and one for Places. I've been snap happy, taking lots of pics around the neighborhood. I really like my Oak Cliff group, it's given me an excuse to stop and snap a shot of a lot of little sights around the 'hood that have caught my eye. The photo above is one of my favorites so far. Check out my pictures at, search for me listed as carlamarieweir and let me know what you think!

Since I have a thing for words and for images, having a blog and a photo site is a great combination! Will I have time to work and be a parent still?

1 comment:

AN said...


I goggled the the topic "i have to understand the world and people around me" as to find a clue as to why i'm like this.

I'm curious as to what extent you take this to.

Would like to hear your thoughts.

Sorry if this seems weird, but I gotta get out there and find the truth.

London, UK.